Sunday, March 19, 2006


Only time will tell if this will actually work, but here's a helping hand to start up a fledgling blog:

As the trip's biggest moocher (read : beta-male), I believe I owe people some props. And here they are, in no particular order:

Gaurav - for renting us a sweeeeet ride in Houston, and for driving all over the place while avoiding the brown-hating rednecks. Also, for graciously dancing with Elysian Fields.

Ross - for driving about 1000 miles through the valley of the shadow of death (capital : Gatlinburg), and for keeping us kids quiet in the back. Also, for organizing the Greyhound trip through the "Ass of America" - I felt like a newly-adopted puppy, or maybe even like JD on a group trip.

Ronestar - for hangin out and staying up late with us after having slept 3 hours in the past 48 (shades of Dallas), and then also making us sandwiches. And for entertaining us with a series of hilarious pre-rafting expressions.

JD - for the usual toiletacular performance (taking so much crap from the rest of us), and for providing so much ammo for future verbal and physical whomping.

Vivek - for reserving the cabin, doing the finances, making breakfast, organizing the rafting with Rick/Nick, setting up the hike, navigating through the wilderness, basically being the "Team Dad" (yes, yes, I realize it's a stereotype, but umm....yeah).

Swathi - for driving to Smoky, navigating in the wilderness, cleaning up after us, cooking us dinner, and in general tolerating us while resisting the urge to rip us apart with your ultra-dry sense of humour. Basically, being the "Team Mom" (see earlier statement about stereotypes).

Kribble - for making me look like a complete and total lapdog during Mafia, and also for laughing at everyone's stupid non-laugh-deserving jokes.

Dana - for showing up certain members of the group by running up and down the hill and walking in the front door with a big smile and not out of breath at all. And, less importantly, for making us pancakes and sandwiches, and carrying other hikers' trash.

James - for an endless stream of one-liners and exceptional hiding ability. Also for driving out to Smoky, only to end up driving us around the whole weekend.

Uke - for recommending Corky's as a place to eat, for acting as scout during the river-fording expedition, and for your vast knowledge of theme songs. And for churning out dozens of Smores, all of which were free of saliva.

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