Thursday, March 30, 2006

In the spirit of Top Five Lists

Nice, Rosco, nice.
After much pondering, I have come up with a new top five list, which may or may not contain five entries. So here we go:


5. Uke's intruder pictures
In the foreground, hapless victims pose for a toothy, all-is-well photograph. Unbeknownst to them, an intruder lurks in the background, ruthlessly willing to impose a maniacal, open-mouthed face upon the virgin pixels of the soon-to-be-marred digital photograph. This intruder we like to call "Uke." Well played, Uke, well played.

4. Group reaction (disgust) when driving through Gatlinburg
I can't verify this for sure, but I'm talking about the expression I assume was on the face of everyone who was awake in either car during the first foray through the wasteland that was the "Rodeo Drive" of Gatlinburg. Being accosted non-stop by the garish array of stores, hotels, and tourist traps is enough to make anyone's frown turn right-side-up. Also, the wild and often random combination of unrelated merchandise (wedding/old-time photos, guns/Marilyn Monroe tote bags, Ben&Jerry's/no bathrooms, etc.) added a touch of bewilderment to the already disgusted faces. It's like looking at a pimple in a snowfield...or something

3. Roni's expressions when the raft guides were joking about death
Most of us were listening carefully as our raft guides explained the proper procedures in order to avoid a swift and certain death while rafting. Some of us, however, were too distracted by the expression of abject horror slowly settling on Roni's face during the description. Key shocking moments included the discussion of the following topics : getting a foot caught under a rock, breaking someone's back by pulling them the wrong way, what to do if the boat tips over, and how much trouble one would be in if one missed grabbing the rope being tossed.

2. James' reaction to Dana's treachery
An easily overlooked moment, the brief instant where James' CIA veneer cracked was a stunning highlight of the Mafia adventure. It was even better than when certain people were led along like lapdogs (we'll leave that discussion to another post). Let us recall the scenario : Uke and JD, the cunning Mafiosi, had slowly picked off the innocent villagers one by one, until there remained only Dana and James. At that point, our ruthless Mafiosi turned their attention to James, who found himself in the line of fire. After an impassioned speech, it appeared James had managed to save himself by winning over Dana. Until the voting began:
"I vote for James," said Uke, with a sly little smile that only mobsters can make.
" too," said JD, with a slightly reluctant, but very blank, expression
"I think it's Jessi," retorted James, confident that a stalemate was in the works.
And everyone turned to Dana...
The name hung in the air, as the poor doomed villager's mouth dropped open. It was as if Smokey the Bear himself had come up and slapped James across the face with a dirty, ash-filled paw. Kudos, Dana, for shattering years of clandestine US government training.

1. JD's escalating expressions in reaction to the as the deadly Oreo
I could argue that this was a close win, but we all know that's not true. The icing on the cake, of course, was the series of expressions and sounds that issued from the Bigheaded one during the process:
i) When the idea is mentioned, a disgusted look, accompanied by ", guys, that's gross"
ii) More of the same as the Oreo is covered in beer, then salsa
iii) A small moan of despair and some squirming (both facial and full-body) as the final Oreo is presented.
iv) Wide eyes and a series of "no...ewww"s as the Oreo is inexorably brought closer and closer
v) An all-out scream as the Oreo passes to within an inch of JD's mouth
vi) A gag, tightly shut eyes, and an exceptionally disgusted response as the Oreo enters the mouth and is tasted.
Ah, never have I wished more for a high-speed camera. Screw capturing the beating of hummingbird wings or bullets piercing a balloon, this series would have surpassed them all.

And there you have it, a second top five list for everyone's enjoyment.

1 comment:

Ross Conkey said...

Well done, Loos. Well done, indeed. Your recollections show great similarity to the detail and research of our own J-Dizzle. I would assume, however, that you had no need to make copies in triplicate. Also, it serves to point out that JD and Cool Hand, the mafiosos so gloriously described in your top ten are two examples of successful mafia hitmen - I, on the other hand, represent the worst of the fingermen - just call me Johnny Sweatsalot.