Sunday, March 26, 2006

Take me out to the ball game

So, now that sufficient time has elapsed, it's time to let the (howdy!) cat out of the bag. Some of us on this Smoke-tastic voyage were engaged in watching a game of baseball that rivalled the tensest of WBC thrillers. As everyone knows, the use of baseball as a metaphor for hooking up has been around for a while (insert JD joke here) : the rules this time around, however, had to be modified from the usual kiss-up-down-all the way.

So, who were the players? Easy. The two people who were most distantly connected to each other (i.e. they had a Kevin Bacon index of 2, instead of 1 or 0, like everyone else). And what were the bases? Again, easy.

1st base - being engaged in a conversation with only one of the SOs present
2nd base - being engaged in a conversation with neither of the SOs present, but one or more non-baseball-watching third parties present
3rd base - being engaged in a conversation with neither of the SOs present, and only baseball spectators around (note : this is 'further' than 2nd base because, presumably, the spectators would engage in minimal conversation, and help egg the players on to home plate)
Home - going all the way i.e. being engaged in conversation only with each other.

Sadly, to my knowledge, no runs were ever scored. However, there were many base hits (including a prolonged series during the game of Risk), and a triple was hit on the way back from Chimney Top. This triple could easily have turned into a run, but my own incompetence and distraction prevented it. Darn.

So there you have it - it seems 3rd base is as far as anyone gets these days. There's always next year, I suppose. Go White Sox.


Ross Conkey said...

Well documented, Viloos. Also, I would like to point out that you have no need to paint yourself the Bill Buckner of this World Series. In fact, no blame can be place on you in any respect.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, Swathi and Dana

such a shame no runs were scored

-A. Noni Mus