Monday, June 19, 2006

Crossword Classic

As we bask in the glow of the new improved crossword, let us not forget the classics. And, since it is still PS day, and since this blog owes its URL to that momentous day, how about a double dose of crossword mania? Despite its age, this '03 creation still stands the test of time, with its awesome CMB symmetry and sometimes forced clues.

1. Name and final destination of "Second" Eurotripper
9. Fruity symbol?
11. What Candice is not, to Dustin (abbr.)
14. What John's title may become (abbr.)?
15. With 11-Down, "the roller coast with the most"
18. What some of the CMB songs are, individually
21. ___metric (what Jessi's head isn't, to her body)
22. Jessi's famous sitting grounds?
24. Beautiful quote from Erinn?
27. Element in Dustin's colon (abbr.)
28. Entree at Eyal's?
29. 1998 late-comer, reversed
30. Firsts of a member from 44-Across
33. Pauses in Jessi's stories?
34. Primate relative?
35. Caryn's cryptic last word
36. Firsts of firsts of Jewish Texans
37. With Jessi, what is needed to balance the universe
38. The sextet, more commonly
39. Cocoa, by another name
44. Family in 64-Down
53. Iron-fisted ruler of RicePuddingLand
55. Quote from Gaurav
58. With 67-Across and 70-Across, key combination for Sharon?
61. What was worrying Jessi about her legs on the Spain trip
64. Theme of this puzzle?
67. See 58-Across
68. Animal cameo?
69. Number of times JD has won the competition, to Claudius
70. See 58-Across
71. Backwards relative of 34-Across?
72. Word describing Art in November
74. Common firsts for Chapman and Conkey
75. FRSE
76. What James may wear
77. Mixed up theme of this puzzle?
80. Common contraction for Jannika?
81. What JD really needs, besides a man
82. Which hand most of us prefer to use, except Eyal and James (abbr.)
84. Perfect society, to James
85. Frequent requests to the sluts
87. Pendulum in Madrid, more commonly?

2. Olympic event of 2016?
3. Phonetically, a "friend" of a brother of a friend
4. What the Menons breathed in Dublin
5. Appropriate first letters of a duck walker?
6. One place JD can't seem to get into (abbr.)?
7. Sequel to Prague, Vienna, and Budapest
8. Common meeting place
10. Part one of "Your daughter's been nailed..."
11. See 15-Across
12. Many on IM or ICQ
13. "The animals" quoter, anagrammed
15. Where 64-Down is now (abbr.)
16. UCLA grad monogram
17. Second word out of Caryn's mouth after graduation?
19. Part two of 10-Down
20. "Paul is to Robot as ______"
23. Common ground for Ross and Erik (abbr.)
25. Mama's Erinn?
26. What some people can't take
30. The head's initials, if Jim had his way?
31. "Jessi's as easy as ___"
32. What Caryn considers kissing a form of
39. Probable Gibbs orientation
40. Common ground for Vilas and John (abbr.)
41. Location of 8-Down (abbr.)
42. Eyal's post-graduate title (abbr.)
43. Middle of a Dror
44. Where one could find Candice in the 90's (abbr.)
45. Center of "Cranium" creator's first
46. Firsts of 3 boobs?
47. Center of "Cranium" creator's last
48. Common ground for Gaurav and Aaron (abbr.)
49. Gaurav may be on this after a game of basketball (abbr.)
50. Letters always on the pricks' minds?
51. Part of a quote from Kristin?
52. First and second from Dror's first
53. Common replies from Jessi to a proposal
54. Princeton grad, formally
56. Two items at a Shoham breakfast?
57. What Sharon does on the court, or when moody
58. One of the pricks, otherwise
59. Firsts of Sharon's, Vilas', and Andy's alma maters
60. Everyone's favorite late-night Dutch channel
62. 16-Down's first name, anagrammed
63. Quick name for 45-Down
64. Black hole, by another name
65. Type of females attracted to Gaurav
66. See 72-Across
73. Common ground for group
77. Future Southern lawyer/Hispanic wife (initials)
78. Dog with a mean streak, shorter
79. What the "Blue Bullet" was (abbr.)
82. One way to kick-start 15-Across and 11-Down?
83. Jessi's comes in a tube
85. Half of 24-Across
86. What Candice's title may become (abbr.)?

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