Friday, January 05, 2007

Down One vs. Down Two

And so begins 2007, which will commemorate the tenth anniversary of the confluence of Jessi and CMB. In honour of this glorious new year, which will undoubtedly mark two weddings, one child, two graduations, and one first million, here is a rundown of the Florida shenanigans, assembled as a list, of course.

Unfortunately, this was the happiest we were all weekend.


1."Figuratively speaking, of course."
Yet again, Rosco stole the show with one of the funniest quotes of the trip (in this poster's humble opinion, of course). While watching a Discovery show about a 629-lb woman (called by us, variously, the 659-lb woman, the 699-lb woman, and the 639-lb woman), we heard her comment "I'm not gonna try and hide anymore." To which Ross replied, simply, "Figuratively, of course." A few seconds and four delayed reactions later, we were all rolling on the floor.

2."Oh, Liono." "Mind if we hitch a ride?" "I can't! I might make a mistake!"
Three of the classic quotes from the 80s-cartoon-fiesta that culminated the evening of festivities. Jessi remarked that Lynxo from Thundercats sounded like a surfer dude when he said "Liono" in phrases like "The surf's really rad today, Liono."
"Mind if we hitch a ride?" was the crazy twins' line to Destro as they grabbed his legs when he flew off with his wrist rockets. Creeepy.
And finally, the third line was from Bravestarr, where a young Bravestarr (voiced by a full-grown man trying pitifully to imitate a child's voice) worries about his navigatory skills on a boat. As it turns out, the autopilot had his back, since the boat maneuvered through a tricky rock formation while Bravestarr was worrying instead of manning the controls like a good little boy.

Two equally memorable quotes that, alas, never made it to the animators' pens.

3. "Trudy, you whore."

Uttered many times during a rousing game of Nintendo Monopoly versus computer-controlled Gertrude.

4. "There's no way the four of you are in this room."
During a game of sardines (after ditching the glowsticks, of course), everyone except Rosco had managed to hide in the small front bedroom (Uke and Loos under the bed, Kribble and Dizzle wedged between the couch and the wall). Rosco, in his fruitless search entered, exited, and re-entered the room several times, leading the rest of us to laugh. After echo-locating the source of the laughter, Ross walked back into the room, declared that it was a physical impossibility for us all to be there, and walked out again.

Kribble's less-than-satisfactory response (or lack thereof) when covered with sticky lizards while dozing.

Travelling around Central America renders one immune to plastic lizards

6. "Ping Pong Pinnnnng...Ping Ping Ping Pongggggg."
This was the hideous yet strangely haunting tune that burst forth from the world's tackiest ornament. As if the disco ball and flaring golden horse weren't enough, this garish piece played an unintelligible Chinese tune that quickly got stuck in everyone's heads. It even headlined the stroke of midnight celebrations by providing a dance beat for people to wave glowsticks with. Other highlights included the rap remix of the song (created by repeatedly pressing the on/off button to produce a 'scratching' noise) and Jessi's high-class musical rendition. Finally, we have Mama's summary of this much quoted and imitated device : "Leave that damn screeching, Chinese song playing, tacky contraption anywhere but within hearing distance from me. Every once in a while, I hear it in my head." Surprisingly articulate, brbay.

All the tacky you can buy for just $12.99!

7. "Woooooooohooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

The sound echoed in the quiet night through the pool and neighbouring condos. The source : five young folk celebrating after successfully completing a round of Broachball. The shout was accompanied by linking of arms and some slow-clapping. Not ones to rest on our laurels, however, we decided to up the ante almost immediately to try two-round Broachball. Success eluded us.

8. The Maiming of Rosco
Scene setting : Dusk. Rosco exits the pool and walks around the fence to grab the Broachball, which has skyrocketed out. The rest of the gang stays in the pool like lazy slackers, instead offering advice to Rosco.
Kribble : "Watch out for the gators!"
Dizzle : "Say hi to the panther!"
Rosco : "Oof!"
Kribble : "You okay, Ross?"
Rosco : "Uhhhhhh...not really."
Cut to : Rosco , who now has a guy wire cut on his shin and guy wire bruises on his thigh and arm. All in one straight, searingly painful line.

9. "What does Craig do?" "If Harold there had bet all his money." "Hi, Gaur-lash."
Papa Conkey's trio of mistaken identities. The first was a reference to Luke, which indicated that either the conversation was really boring, or that someone didn't have his hearing aid on. The second was a visual reference to Jeopardy, where "Harold" lost by not betting the maximum. As Mama Conkey aptly pointed out, "Harold? You mean 'Frank,' right?" And lastly, the third was a twofer - first, it was not Gaurav (although the compliment was much appreciated) gracing the doorway, and second, 'Vilas' ends with an alveolar sibilant, as opposed to a palato-alveolar one.

10. "Park by the poo."
Keeping with the "parents are oh so funny" theme, Mama delivered another classic accented line when telling us to leave the car by the poo. Fortunately, we deciphered "poo" as "pool" before setting out to hunt for giant turds littering the landscape, and choosing one that was appropriately located as a parking guide.

Can you tell the difference?

11. "This doesn't look right."

After returning from Walmart with a Broachball and some glowsticks, Loos and Dizzle walked right up to the condo door and were about to open it when Kribble uttered this little doozy. Not having noticed that the exterior of the condo we were about to open looked totally different from the Steinitz' residence (including the lack of a mezuzah), we were two seconds away from depositing our wares in some stranger's house. Two words : Federal Triangle.

And finally, bonus points to anyone (besides Rosco and Dizzle) who can figure out the title to this blog post. Let it be said that it involves two people whose names begin with "V" and "J" respectively.

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