"carpet" = synonym for 'cart,' especially when horses are around
Example: "I was going to sign the lease before I found a job, but that would be putting the carpet before the horse."
Example: "Jessi, I escaped you from Alcatraz!"
"HD" = short for 'hippidy dippidy,' a slang term for hooking up and/or coitus
Example: "Man, I hope she gets to HD tonight with that dude."
"loser trades weapons" = description of a fair exchange at the end of a battle

"proverb" = synonym for 'adverb'
Example: "The word 'changily' is a very useful proverb, since it can modify many different verbs."
"scrame" = irregular past tense of 'to scream'
Example: "Jen scrame so loudly that she peed her pants."
"something" = synonym for 'nothing'
Example: "He whispered sweet somethings in her ear, but it was all in vain."
"swopen" = irregular past tense of 'to swoop'
Example: "The vultures swopen down to feast on the carcass."
"Tampon University" = a school in Philadelphia, often mistakenly called "Temple University"
"tied up" = synonym for 'pregnant'
Example: "I'm sorry, she's tied up right now, so she won't be in to work."
And, of course, the pièce de résistance (pretentious accents added for effect...):
"touché" = synonym for 'boo-tay'
1 comment:
whoever wrote this is a genius and deserves the nobel peace prize
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